As the tournament's name suggests, it was created to raise funds for breast cancer research as well as being a great opportunity to play some WarmaHordes games.
I went with the usual Rhinodons suspects: Tacin and Felix.
Welcome to the Ch'Tits!
No, its not a Chtulhu pun.Felix was running Retribution with Elara2 and Issyria1 lists, Tacin, Legion, with Ryas1 2xThrone and Kryssa1 2xThrone. As for my lists:
If you want to open them on Conflict Chamber (Amazing website!)
Kolgrima: ''Join the Dark (Power) Side!''
Trollbloods Army - 75 / 75 points
[Theme] Kriel Company
(Kolgrima 1) Kolgrima Stonetruth, Winter Witch [+28]
- Glacier King [35]
- Winter Troll [8]
- Trollkin Runebearer [0(5)]
Braylen Wanderheart, Trollkin Outlaw [0(5)]
Cylena Raefyll & Nyss Hunters (max) [19]
Krielstone Bearer & Stone Scribes (min) [6]
- Northkin Elder [3]
Northkin Fire Eaters [7]
Northkin Fire Eaters [7]
Trollkin Highwaymen (max) [15]
- Trollkin Sorcerer (1) [3]
Calandra: ''Return of the (Je)Dhunian''
Trollbloods Army - 75 / 75 points
[Theme] The Power of Dhunia
(Calandra 1) Calandra Truthsayer, Oracle of the Glimmerwood [+27]
- Earthborn Dire Troll [14]
- Mulg the Ancient [22]
- Sea King [36]
- Troll Axer [10]
- Trollkin Runebearer [0(5)]
Northkin Shaman [0(4)]
Troll Whelps [0(4)]
Dhunian Knot [6]
Dhunian Knot [6]
Krielstone Bearer & Stone Scribes (min) [6]
Swamp Gobbers Bellows Crew [2]
Calandra is my go-to if I see I'll have to deal with a jack brick (Jaws of the Wolf or Heavy Metal), Kolgrima drops into pretty much everything else (especially if there is a need for high volume of attacks like enemy infantry).
Both of these lists have really good scenario capabilities too.
Would that be my pairing in a top competitive event?
No, not really. I only chose these two warlocks together because you had 40pts of 'Specialists' at that team tournament if both lists were led by female (as its an event for the breast cancer).
In fact, until they posted the ''two females'' bonus, I was thinking of bringing Madrak1 and Borka2 to the party. Good thing I didn't, I'm pretty sure all the other Troll players (at least 4 others) brought Madrak1 and I saw someone with very similar Madrak1 and Borka2's lists as the one I'd have played.
I was, however, pleasantly surprised by both lists and feel they have A LOT of unexplored potential and I do feel that Madrak1 will be so overplayed everyone will know how to fight it (kinda like when Madrak2 was at the beginning of MK3) so bringing these two ladies could give an edge.
BCB Round 1: Lords of the O'Ring
Scenario: Spread the Net
We faced against the ''Lords of the O'Ring'': Cygnar, Legion and Trollbloods.
We win the roll, Felix asks to face Legion so we take the 1st pairing and give him Legion. The enemy team drops their Trollbloods player (playing Madrak1 and Borka2) vs our Legion player and pair myself vs Cygnar.
My opponent, Sebastien, has Nemo3 and Styker1 lists. As I'm playing Trollbloods and my specialists can allow me to go 'double garg' I'm fairly certain he'll drop Nemo3 and and I chose Kolgrima.
I won the roll to chose the side and decided to go second.
From memory, Sebastien's Nemo3 list was: (Storm Division)
Stormlances (min unit)
Stormlances (min unit)
Stormblades (full unit+UA)
Gobber Thinker
Ayana and Holt
Ayana and Holt
Turn 1:
He runs his Stormlances, he has a minimum squad of them on each tableside. He tries to have all his miniatures on the right side away from 15'' of my Fire Eaters.
On my turn I run Braylen on the left side, hugging the table edge. I run a squad of Fire Eaters for them to hug the right table edge while the other one moves forward in order to screen the Highwaymen that were behind.
Kolgrima drops 4 clouds (with one costing only 1 fury thanks to the Runebearer) I use a central house and semi-central forest to block as many lines of sight as possible.
The Glacier King was deployed on the left, with only Braylen more apart from the rest of my forces, the reasoning for that deployment is to prevent any kind of charges targetting it past the clouds, that and with the Stormstrider and Stormlances, I wanted to avoid electroleaps bouncing off it.
The Glacier King, anticipating it would be charged by the squad of Stormlances on his side, did his animus and trampled.
Turn 2:
My opponent started hiding his Stormblades behind the central house, charged the left side of Stormlances on Braylen (she somehow survived and thoughed) and ran one to jam the Glacier King but it ended being knocked down thanks to the King's animus. On the right side, some of the Stormlances engaged the rightmost squad of Fire Eaters that were not protected by line-of-sight blocking clouds, a Stormlance caught a glimpse of the 11-trolls strong squad of highwaymen and charged it, the others ran to engage the Fire Eaters and highwaymen.
Things were going as intended, I had withered the impact of the stormlances. I used the Nyss Hunters to kill the Stormlance that was knocked down in front of my Glacier King. I advanced Kolgrima and cast, for the first time ever, ''Hunter's Mark'' on the Storm Strider, cast two more clouds, camped one (I think I forgot to do the Runebearer that turn) and used her Feat. The Feat caught Dynamo, two Stormlances on the left, pushing one that was blocking the possible charge from the Glacier King to the Stormstrider
Fire Eaters and Highwaymen tried to deal with the Stormlances and killed one and damaged another.
Braylen stood up and did nothing as she was engaged by a Stormlance and was too far to use her gunfighter ability. Special note to a Pyg from one of the Fire Eater squad who moved and breathed fire on the enemy Gobber Thinker that was camping a flag to prevent it from scoring a scenario point, he rolled perfectly and killed it in one-shot!!
The Krielstone Northkin Elder did the +1 SPD to Northkins, allowing the Glacier King to charge as far as 11''.
The Glacier King charged the Stormstrider and destroyed it, he had enough to cast his animus so he did.
Ending the second turn, no scenario points scored by any player.
Turn 3:
My opponent takes some time to calculate an assasination by electro-leaps: he would run a Stormblade through the clouds and fire with a firefly that escaped Kolgrima's feat on it. After giving it some thoughts he chose not to do it as he'd be lacking the volume of shots to guarantee the kill. Instead he focuses on trying to kill Highwaymen and Fire Eaters. He runs some stormblades through the clouds to engage my Nyss Hunters. He runs Holt (from the Ayana and Holt merc unit) in melee with the Glacier King as well as another small base model.
He moves Nemo3 on the other side of a forest to block the line of sight from the King and prevent being shot by it.
After my opponent moved Nemo3, all I could think was ''please don't run any more models in-between'', thankfully, he didn't.
I measured and I was inside 15'' of Nemo3 with Kolgrima, he was camping 3 focus...I thought I could give the Glacier King some help or even make Nemo3 stationary to ensure the assassination as the scenario was going nowhere with both of us flooding the zones with infantry.
As I needed to make some space for Kolgrima, I activated my Nyss hunters, they shot two of the Stormblade...and failed to kill both. The Winter Troll walked, sprayed, booster to hit, hit, boosted the damage despite needing 5 on two dice to kill...rolled 1-1-2... After all my attacks from Nyss and now the Fluke from thw Winter Troll, my opponent was starting to feel sorry for me, failing to kill 1 wound infantry models that are 12/17 should hardly be a feat.
Thankfully, a lone Highwayman, crossing a forest thanks to Pathfinder shot one of them and killed it with his last shot to make a cozy space for Kolgrima so she could be within 10'' of Nemo for the Spray.
Kolgrima moves, measures and unleashed 4 winter tides (one being cheaper once again thanks to the Runebearer) at Pow 14 (thanks to the Northkin Elder). Nemo3 burns all his focus and ends up taking 5 points of damage in total or something like that. No crit stationary.
The Glacier King tramples, gets in reach of Nemo3, boosts to hit, does so and at dice +5 finishes the game in a Victory for Kolgrima!
Next to me, Felix lost a game where he could have been leading 4-0 to scenario because he got greedy and got his Elara2 killed while Tacin lost to Madrak1 by scenario. Fun Bracket it is!!!
He runs his Stormlances, he has a minimum squad of them on each tableside. He tries to have all his miniatures on the right side away from 15'' of my Fire Eaters.
On my turn I run Braylen on the left side, hugging the table edge. I run a squad of Fire Eaters for them to hug the right table edge while the other one moves forward in order to screen the Highwaymen that were behind.
Kolgrima drops 4 clouds (with one costing only 1 fury thanks to the Runebearer) I use a central house and semi-central forest to block as many lines of sight as possible.
The Glacier King was deployed on the left, with only Braylen more apart from the rest of my forces, the reasoning for that deployment is to prevent any kind of charges targetting it past the clouds, that and with the Stormstrider and Stormlances, I wanted to avoid electroleaps bouncing off it.
The Glacier King, anticipating it would be charged by the squad of Stormlances on his side, did his animus and trampled.
Turn 2:
My opponent started hiding his Stormblades behind the central house, charged the left side of Stormlances on Braylen (she somehow survived and thoughed) and ran one to jam the Glacier King but it ended being knocked down thanks to the King's animus. On the right side, some of the Stormlances engaged the rightmost squad of Fire Eaters that were not protected by line-of-sight blocking clouds, a Stormlance caught a glimpse of the 11-trolls strong squad of highwaymen and charged it, the others ran to engage the Fire Eaters and highwaymen.
Things were going as intended, I had withered the impact of the stormlances. I used the Nyss Hunters to kill the Stormlance that was knocked down in front of my Glacier King. I advanced Kolgrima and cast, for the first time ever, ''Hunter's Mark'' on the Storm Strider, cast two more clouds, camped one (I think I forgot to do the Runebearer that turn) and used her Feat. The Feat caught Dynamo, two Stormlances on the left, pushing one that was blocking the possible charge from the Glacier King to the Stormstrider
Fire Eaters and Highwaymen tried to deal with the Stormlances and killed one and damaged another.
Braylen stood up and did nothing as she was engaged by a Stormlance and was too far to use her gunfighter ability. Special note to a Pyg from one of the Fire Eater squad who moved and breathed fire on the enemy Gobber Thinker that was camping a flag to prevent it from scoring a scenario point, he rolled perfectly and killed it in one-shot!!
The Krielstone Northkin Elder did the +1 SPD to Northkins, allowing the Glacier King to charge as far as 11''.
The Glacier King charged the Stormstrider and destroyed it, he had enough to cast his animus so he did.
Ending the second turn, no scenario points scored by any player.
Turn 3:
My opponent takes some time to calculate an assasination by electro-leaps: he would run a Stormblade through the clouds and fire with a firefly that escaped Kolgrima's feat on it. After giving it some thoughts he chose not to do it as he'd be lacking the volume of shots to guarantee the kill. Instead he focuses on trying to kill Highwaymen and Fire Eaters. He runs some stormblades through the clouds to engage my Nyss Hunters. He runs Holt (from the Ayana and Holt merc unit) in melee with the Glacier King as well as another small base model.
He moves Nemo3 on the other side of a forest to block the line of sight from the King and prevent being shot by it.
After my opponent moved Nemo3, all I could think was ''please don't run any more models in-between'', thankfully, he didn't.
I measured and I was inside 15'' of Nemo3 with Kolgrima, he was camping 3 focus...I thought I could give the Glacier King some help or even make Nemo3 stationary to ensure the assassination as the scenario was going nowhere with both of us flooding the zones with infantry.
As I needed to make some space for Kolgrima, I activated my Nyss hunters, they shot two of the Stormblade...and failed to kill both. The Winter Troll walked, sprayed, booster to hit, hit, boosted the damage despite needing 5 on two dice to kill...rolled 1-1-2... After all my attacks from Nyss and now the Fluke from thw Winter Troll, my opponent was starting to feel sorry for me, failing to kill 1 wound infantry models that are 12/17 should hardly be a feat.
Thankfully, a lone Highwayman, crossing a forest thanks to Pathfinder shot one of them and killed it with his last shot to make a cozy space for Kolgrima so she could be within 10'' of Nemo for the Spray.
Kolgrima moves, measures and unleashed 4 winter tides (one being cheaper once again thanks to the Runebearer) at Pow 14 (thanks to the Northkin Elder). Nemo3 burns all his focus and ends up taking 5 points of damage in total or something like that. No crit stationary.
The Glacier King tramples, gets in reach of Nemo3, boosts to hit, does so and at dice +5 finishes the game in a Victory for Kolgrima!
Next to me, Felix lost a game where he could have been leading 4-0 to scenario because he got greedy and got his Elara2 killed while Tacin lost to Madrak1 by scenario. Fun Bracket it is!!!
BCB Round 2: ''Boobs n' Weave''
Scenario: Standoff
We faced against the ''Boobs n' Weave'' team: Circle of Orboros, Cryx and Khador.
We win the roll once again and we chose to have Tacin and his double Throne list face Khador as it will force Khador in his jack spam instead of it playing his Vlad Rockets list versus one of us.
I get paired vs Circle (I was expecting it as he had Mohsar in one of his two list and once again its the best answer out of his team vs a possible 'double garg') and Felix vs Cryx.
Matthieu had Mohsar and Bradigus both in Bones of Orboros. I had an advantage as I had previously played myself these two exact lists (even brought Bradigus to the TEQ team tournament pre-CID) but Mohsar's presence was forcing me into my Kolgrima list where Calandra would have destroyed both of them if it weren't for the Salt Pillars requiring a certain volume of attacks only the Kolgrima could provide.
From memory, Mathieu's Mohsar list roughly was: (Bones of Orboros)
Blackclad Wayfarer
Sentry Stone
Sentry Stone
Gallow Grove
Gallow Grove
He won the roll and chose the side.
Turn 1:
I run forward and put a lot of clouds to block most of the left and central line of sights, the Glacier is of course on the right.
He moves forward his Woldwrath fire an AOE at my Nyss Hunters. Thanks to the Freezing Mist clouds Kolgrima put he has no lign of sight so it deviates and while he was already out of range, it deviates back toward him. That could have been bad.
He has very few targets for his Mannikins as I tried not to expose the Fire Eaters uselessly.
Mohsar puts a lot of Salt Pillars on the Right side of the table.
I assault with the Fire Eaters and while I brought no Pyre Troll in the list, I purposely make two of them clip a cloud of fire that was on the table for them to get lighted. I fail to remove the Sentry Stones but kill some Mannikins. A Pyg from the Fire Eaters recklessly runs to engage the WoldWrath.
The rest of the army continues its advance as my opponent played very conservatively. The Glacier King and the Winter Troll don't generate any fury as I'm affraid of a bottom of two Mohsar Feat could disrupt my plans.
Kolgrima puts some clouds and that is mostly it. She camps two in case of assasination.
Sebastien now has clear line of sight on the Nyss and the range to fire the weapon so he does so, killing 5 of them. The Woldwyrds move forward and kill some more. The Gallow Grove one of Mohsar's Crevasse.
Mohsar puts three Salt Pillar in the way of the Glacier King and ends its activation camping1 Fury. The Feralgeist and a Mannikin run and walk to engage the Glacier King.
The Woldwarden, both on the right side, move forward and cast boosted Crevasse on my highwaymen.
Sadly Mathieu remembers I still have a Fire Eater Pyg in melee with his gargantuan but more importantly toeing the zone and that would prevent him from scoring a point. He activates his Blackclade Wayfarer and casts a spray, rolling just enough to kill it and I fail my though roll.
Here goes my scenario advantage! We both score a point for controlling a beast zone.
Turn 3:
Had Mathieu not killed the Pyg, I could have won the game 5-0 on that turn, scoring one on his turn then using Kolgrima's feat to push his models outside of the areas and killing his objective to score 4 points on this turn 3. Alas, it was not meant to be. Attrition-wise, the losses are perfectly acceptable although the Nyss Hunters are getting torn to shred by the Woldwyrds and Woldwrath, I might be losing my left flank soon.
I measure, Mohsar is within 15'' of Kolgrima, there are nothing blocking her to spraying I go for the assassination as Mohsar is only camping one and I'm fairly confident Kolgrima herself can take care of it, at worse, I'll free up the Glacier King by using the Highwaymen to remove the Salt Pillars and he'll throw some Pow16 shots into Mohsar if he survived...
After having activated the stone for +2 to Cold Damage, I move Kolgrima, spray the objective catching Mohsar in it...and its game on the third spray.
Next to me, Felix loses to Cryx...I don't know how. Tacin continues playing against the Old Witch of Khador and her jack brick, he ends up getting assassinated as he was almost completely tabled.
This time we got paired up versus the ''Semi-Hard Nipples'' the less competitive of the two Hard 7 Podcast teams (if you understand french its a nice Podcast to pop and listen to while painting and it is 99.9% warmachine talks), they were 1-1 and we were 0-2 so it was a nice surprise for us.
My captain powers finally failed me and I didn't win the roll to chose the 1st pairing and the last two tables...Upon checking our lists they saw Kolgrima, decided none of them had ever faced it and threw Alex, their player who had not played in months ''under the bus'' (basically what we always do with Tacin when we're not giving Felix favorable matchups). I was unhappy as that would mean I'd face Menoth, an army I never have fun playing against as its whole game plan is grinding.
We threw Tacin against the Cygnar player as he had Haley3 and I felt Tacin double Throne's list would force the player into his Stryker3 Cavalry list. Felix got paired against Legion.
I win the dice roll and chose my side to get a wall on my side. My opponent choses his Thyra Daughter of the Flames theme force,
It looked roughly like that:
Blood of Martyrs
a Crusader?
Some other light jacks I don't know/recognize
Daughters of the Flame (Full)
Daughters of the Flame (Full)
Flame Bringers (Full)
Choir of Menoth
Temple Flameguards (Full)
Pyrrhus, Flameguard Hero
Nicia, Tear of Vengeance.
probably something else...
Turn 1:
Alex keeps a squad of Daughters in Ambush. Runs the rest on the map, tries to stay away from my Fire Eaters.
I just move forward and pop tons of clouds to block lign of sights as usual, I expect an ambush on my Nyss Hunters on the left side so I place them properly in order to not give too many back arcs.
Turn 2:
Ambush it is! The Daughters engage the Nyss and leave Cylena as a sole survivor. On the Right side, the Flame Bringers engage my Fire Eaters and Highwaymen. Some Daughters run into the zone. His nissa on the right side is stuck in a forest.
I Charge my Glacier King upon his objective, proceed to destroy it and score 1point. Pop Kolgrima's feat, push almost everything outside of scenario zones. I kill some Flame Bringers and Daughters and end my turn 4-0 on scenario. Camping one fury. Looking pretty good for an easy victory.
Turn 3:
Alex is in a corner, he has to do MAJOR attrition (which vs Trolls is not the easiest) and score scenario points or go for an assasination. I blocked all lign of sights to Kolgrima with clouds...BUT I completely forgot Thyra's Feat. See where I'm going with this?
I still thought myself pretty safe but Alex activated Thyra, used her Feat, cast Carnage. Charged a Daughter from the right side at my Stonebearer, killed it. I sacrificed an attendant to preserve the Stone.
He moved the Flameguard and engaged my two Fire Eaters that were blocking the Blood of Martyrs' charge. Failed to kill one. It was looking grim for Alex, he had activated a lot of units and Kolgrima was still safe so far.
Alex went into the think tank....and came up with a solution: Despite the fact Blood of Martyrs was blocked by the house, he had used apparition so he could move past the corner into one of the clouds, gaining lign of sight but still unable to the beginning of its activation he used Thyra's feat to get closer then walked to the remaining Fire Eater, hit with his first attack and killed it, used Side Step. Attacked the Krielstone, Killed it, removing it from the game. Got in range of Kolgrima thanks to a second Side Step, Blood of Martyrs with 3 Focus vs Kolgrima at 1Fury. Every hit at dice +5 for damage.
I got greedy and was going to get an amazing scenario win but instead moved Kolgrima forward to threaten assassination as a plan B in case Alex could pull a comeback on the scenario, instead I gave the game to him. He still had to work a little bit for it so GG.
Next to me both Tacin and Felix win their first game of the day. Had I known I needed to lose in order for them to perform I'd have started round 1.
Final Results and thoughts:
The Montreal Rhinodons under their BCB edition name ''Bienvenue Chez les Ch'Tits'' managed to finish that tournament 1-2 and not in last place, in fact we were 15th out of 17th teams! There was no spoon to be won so it is only logical we wouldn't do the effort. ;)
I was particulary proud of my games with Kolgrima: she has changed for the better since her first inception on the CID forums. In fact I was dreading she'd be too close to what she initially was but a change to her Feat, the addition of Vanish and Dark Power turned her from the most boring Trollbloods warlock (basically a cloud bot that couldn't do anything) into what is in my opinion one of the strongest Trollbloods warlocks right now: insane scenario game (you can't tiptoe a zone anymore when you can be pushed 2'' away) and amazing assassination potential: 3 to 4 POW14 sprays 10 with Dark Power that you can do if you beging within 15'' to 18'' from the enemy caster will sometimes do the job by itself. She is super flexible and a lot of fun to play.
My Calandra had no matchup to shine into (mostly because the Circle player played Mohsar) but from having played her in preparation to the tournament I can say her list is something that should be looked at: it has so many movement shenanigans and threat range increase it feels like playing Legion of Everblight...with Trolls!
To celebrate like we do when we go to tournaments we invited our fellow basement players to eat at a restaurant, it allowed me to try an amazing Poutine at the Snack restaurant on Wellington, close to Sherbrooke where the tournament was happening. Too bad that restaurant is not in Montreal: I'd go there often!
The Rhinodons did another victim.
Overall we loved that tournament: it ran super smoothly especially considering it was 51players strong. 10/10, would do again!
Tacin and Felix won some raffle prizes, I got absolutely nothing but hey, thats luck!
The TO managed to collect 3000$ to go toward Breast Cancer research!!!
That, kids, is what I call ''Success on all fronts''!
I get paired vs Circle (I was expecting it as he had Mohsar in one of his two list and once again its the best answer out of his team vs a possible 'double garg') and Felix vs Cryx.
Matthieu had Mohsar and Bradigus both in Bones of Orboros. I had an advantage as I had previously played myself these two exact lists (even brought Bradigus to the TEQ team tournament pre-CID) but Mohsar's presence was forcing me into my Kolgrima list where Calandra would have destroyed both of them if it weren't for the Salt Pillars requiring a certain volume of attacks only the Kolgrima could provide.
From memory, Mathieu's Mohsar list roughly was: (Bones of Orboros)
Blackclad Wayfarer
Sentry Stone
Sentry Stone
Gallow Grove
Gallow Grove
He won the roll and chose the side.
Turn 1:
I run forward and put a lot of clouds to block most of the left and central line of sights, the Glacier is of course on the right.
He moves forward his Woldwrath fire an AOE at my Nyss Hunters. Thanks to the Freezing Mist clouds Kolgrima put he has no lign of sight so it deviates and while he was already out of range, it deviates back toward him. That could have been bad.
He has very few targets for his Mannikins as I tried not to expose the Fire Eaters uselessly.
Mohsar puts a lot of Salt Pillars on the Right side of the table.
I assault with the Fire Eaters and while I brought no Pyre Troll in the list, I purposely make two of them clip a cloud of fire that was on the table for them to get lighted. I fail to remove the Sentry Stones but kill some Mannikins. A Pyg from the Fire Eaters recklessly runs to engage the WoldWrath.
The rest of the army continues its advance as my opponent played very conservatively. The Glacier King and the Winter Troll don't generate any fury as I'm affraid of a bottom of two Mohsar Feat could disrupt my plans.
Kolgrima puts some clouds and that is mostly it. She camps two in case of assasination.
Sebastien now has clear line of sight on the Nyss and the range to fire the weapon so he does so, killing 5 of them. The Woldwyrds move forward and kill some more. The Gallow Grove one of Mohsar's Crevasse.
Mohsar puts three Salt Pillar in the way of the Glacier King and ends its activation camping1 Fury. The Feralgeist and a Mannikin run and walk to engage the Glacier King.
The Woldwarden, both on the right side, move forward and cast boosted Crevasse on my highwaymen.
Sadly Mathieu remembers I still have a Fire Eater Pyg in melee with his gargantuan but more importantly toeing the zone and that would prevent him from scoring a point. He activates his Blackclade Wayfarer and casts a spray, rolling just enough to kill it and I fail my though roll.
Here goes my scenario advantage! We both score a point for controlling a beast zone.
I Will remember youuuu... |
Turn 3:
Had Mathieu not killed the Pyg, I could have won the game 5-0 on that turn, scoring one on his turn then using Kolgrima's feat to push his models outside of the areas and killing his objective to score 4 points on this turn 3. Alas, it was not meant to be. Attrition-wise, the losses are perfectly acceptable although the Nyss Hunters are getting torn to shred by the Woldwyrds and Woldwrath, I might be losing my left flank soon.
I measure, Mohsar is within 15'' of Kolgrima, there are nothing blocking her to spraying I go for the assassination as Mohsar is only camping one and I'm fairly confident Kolgrima herself can take care of it, at worse, I'll free up the Glacier King by using the Highwaymen to remove the Salt Pillars and he'll throw some Pow16 shots into Mohsar if he survived...
After having activated the stone for +2 to Cold Damage, I move Kolgrima, spray the objective catching Mohsar in it...and its game on the third spray.
Next to me, Felix loses to Cryx...I don't know how. Tacin continues playing against the Old Witch of Khador and her jack brick, he ends up getting assassinated as he was almost completely tabled.
BCB Round 3: ''Semi-Hard Nipples''
Scenario: The PitThis time we got paired up versus the ''Semi-Hard Nipples'' the less competitive of the two Hard 7 Podcast teams (if you understand french its a nice Podcast to pop and listen to while painting and it is 99.9% warmachine talks), they were 1-1 and we were 0-2 so it was a nice surprise for us.
My captain powers finally failed me and I didn't win the roll to chose the 1st pairing and the last two tables...Upon checking our lists they saw Kolgrima, decided none of them had ever faced it and threw Alex, their player who had not played in months ''under the bus'' (basically what we always do with Tacin when we're not giving Felix favorable matchups). I was unhappy as that would mean I'd face Menoth, an army I never have fun playing against as its whole game plan is grinding.
We threw Tacin against the Cygnar player as he had Haley3 and I felt Tacin double Throne's list would force the player into his Stryker3 Cavalry list. Felix got paired against Legion.
I win the dice roll and chose my side to get a wall on my side. My opponent choses his Thyra Daughter of the Flames theme force,
It looked roughly like that:
Blood of Martyrs
a Crusader?
Some other light jacks I don't know/recognize
Daughters of the Flame (Full)
Daughters of the Flame (Full)
Flame Bringers (Full)
Choir of Menoth
Temple Flameguards (Full)
Pyrrhus, Flameguard Hero
Nicia, Tear of Vengeance.
probably something else...
Turn 1:
Alex keeps a squad of Daughters in Ambush. Runs the rest on the map, tries to stay away from my Fire Eaters.
I just move forward and pop tons of clouds to block lign of sights as usual, I expect an ambush on my Nyss Hunters on the left side so I place them properly in order to not give too many back arcs.
Turn 2:
Ambush it is! The Daughters engage the Nyss and leave Cylena as a sole survivor. On the Right side, the Flame Bringers engage my Fire Eaters and Highwaymen. Some Daughters run into the zone. His nissa on the right side is stuck in a forest.
I Charge my Glacier King upon his objective, proceed to destroy it and score 1point. Pop Kolgrima's feat, push almost everything outside of scenario zones. I kill some Flame Bringers and Daughters and end my turn 4-0 on scenario. Camping one fury. Looking pretty good for an easy victory.
Turn 3:
Alex is in a corner, he has to do MAJOR attrition (which vs Trolls is not the easiest) and score scenario points or go for an assasination. I blocked all lign of sights to Kolgrima with clouds...BUT I completely forgot Thyra's Feat. See where I'm going with this?
I still thought myself pretty safe but Alex activated Thyra, used her Feat, cast Carnage. Charged a Daughter from the right side at my Stonebearer, killed it. I sacrificed an attendant to preserve the Stone.
He moved the Flameguard and engaged my two Fire Eaters that were blocking the Blood of Martyrs' charge. Failed to kill one. It was looking grim for Alex, he had activated a lot of units and Kolgrima was still safe so far.
Alex went into the think tank....and came up with a solution: Despite the fact Blood of Martyrs was blocked by the house, he had used apparition so he could move past the corner into one of the clouds, gaining lign of sight but still unable to the beginning of its activation he used Thyra's feat to get closer then walked to the remaining Fire Eater, hit with his first attack and killed it, used Side Step. Attacked the Krielstone, Killed it, removing it from the game. Got in range of Kolgrima thanks to a second Side Step, Blood of Martyrs with 3 Focus vs Kolgrima at 1Fury. Every hit at dice +5 for damage.
I got greedy and was going to get an amazing scenario win but instead moved Kolgrima forward to threaten assassination as a plan B in case Alex could pull a comeback on the scenario, instead I gave the game to him. He still had to work a little bit for it so GG.
Next to me both Tacin and Felix win their first game of the day. Had I known I needed to lose in order for them to perform I'd have started round 1.
Final Results and thoughts:
The Montreal Rhinodons under their BCB edition name ''Bienvenue Chez les Ch'Tits'' managed to finish that tournament 1-2 and not in last place, in fact we were 15th out of 17th teams! There was no spoon to be won so it is only logical we wouldn't do the effort. ;)
I was particulary proud of my games with Kolgrima: she has changed for the better since her first inception on the CID forums. In fact I was dreading she'd be too close to what she initially was but a change to her Feat, the addition of Vanish and Dark Power turned her from the most boring Trollbloods warlock (basically a cloud bot that couldn't do anything) into what is in my opinion one of the strongest Trollbloods warlocks right now: insane scenario game (you can't tiptoe a zone anymore when you can be pushed 2'' away) and amazing assassination potential: 3 to 4 POW14 sprays 10 with Dark Power that you can do if you beging within 15'' to 18'' from the enemy caster will sometimes do the job by itself. She is super flexible and a lot of fun to play.
My Calandra had no matchup to shine into (mostly because the Circle player played Mohsar) but from having played her in preparation to the tournament I can say her list is something that should be looked at: it has so many movement shenanigans and threat range increase it feels like playing Legion of Everblight...with Trolls!
To celebrate like we do when we go to tournaments we invited our fellow basement players to eat at a restaurant, it allowed me to try an amazing Poutine at the Snack restaurant on Wellington, close to Sherbrooke where the tournament was happening. Too bad that restaurant is not in Montreal: I'd go there often!
That 's it folks! |
The Rhinodons did another victim.
Overall we loved that tournament: it ran super smoothly especially considering it was 51players strong. 10/10, would do again!
Tacin and Felix won some raffle prizes, I got absolutely nothing but hey, thats luck!
The TO managed to collect 3000$ to go toward Breast Cancer research!!!
That, kids, is what I call ''Success on all fronts''!
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