What is W.N.T.?

Why the Title 'Wargaming Ninja Turtles?
Wargaming: because we play miniature wargames
Ninja: It just sounds cool in the name if you say it out-loud.
Turtles: Our totem animal, it moves as slowly as we post but usually it lives a long life. It also represents our painting speed quite well.

What we are:
A Montreal-based (Canada) group of gamers and painters that want to share their experiences, tell stories as they write battle-reports and want to create gaming content you'll enjoy to read.

What we want to be:
The number one. Not only in Montreal, but also in US (and maybe at some point in French-speaking countries too). While this might seem too big an apple to bite, we aspire to be your reference when it comes to reading interesting gaming posts on the net.
We want to offer you the best experience possible with our limited time and budget.

What we believe in:
We believe that posting regularly is key to success, sadly real life means we don't always have the necessary time to do so. We will still try to provide quality posts! (Know this: for every post you see, there's one or two that the writer didn't post as he didn't think they would be good enough).

We also believe that a blog should not be boring visually! We believe art is an essential part of gaming and as such it should have an equally important place in our blog in order to make it stand out from other blogs and to enhance your experience on Wargaming Ninja Turtles.

Last of our beliefs is that nothing is stronger than a physical presence. As such we will try to show up to conventions, events, tournaments, organize stuff of our own and organize contests in order to get closer to you dear readers.

What can you do for us?
Read our articles...And comment them! We need feedback! It is the only way we get to improve the blog and the experience we want to offer you.
Sharing us on forums and social networks is also a great way you can help.

Here is a banner to put in your forum signatures so you can show your love for the Turtles:

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