Monday, 20 November 2017

Breast Cancer Brawl 2017: Bigger and Firmer

We continue our round of Team Tournaments in Canada with the 4th Team Tournament for the Montreal Rhinodons: the Breast Cancer Brawl (or BCB for short). As requested by the TO, the Montreal Rhinodons took the name of ''Bienvenue chez les Ch'Tits'' in order to have a bad pun involving breasts in the name.

As the tournament's name suggests, it was created to raise funds for breast cancer research as well as being a great opportunity to play some WarmaHordes games.

I went with the usual Rhinodons suspects: Tacin and Felix.

Welcome to the Ch'Tits!

No, its not a Chtulhu pun.

Monday, 22 May 2017

TTO PT 2: Consider Yourself Hired!

Terminating the Opposition Part 2: Consider Yourself Hired!

The Part 2 of my Terminal Directive campaign for the Android Netrunner Game against my opponent Tacin.

MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD: Don't read this article of the following of ''Terminating the Opposition'' if you intend to get Terminal Directive. I would hate to ruin some of the surprises for you.

And if you don't care about spoilers or Terminal Directive, Part 1 is here.

Saturday, 20 May 2017

Terminating the Opposition pt 1: Moon Bioroids

So out of the blues my roommate and Android Netrunner opponent Tacin told me that he really wanted to get the new expansion of Netrunner: ''Terminal Directive''.

SPOILERS AHEAD: Don't read this article of the following of ''Terminating the Opposition'' if you intend to get Terminal Directive. I would hate to ruin some of the surprises for you

Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Moosecon: All the fun of a big con in a single day!

So in late October or early November, my roommate Tacin and myself had just finished our gaming basement and we had been playing fairly regularly warmachine with my friend Felix when the idea popped up that we could look for a fun team tournament to play as a team and motivate us to play even more games of Warmachine.

Looking around we found the OTC and Moosecon. I was asking if there was still spots open for the Ottawa Team Tournament when I got an admin message that said they had sold out under 7 minutes. Moosecon had still two spots open in the team tournament so I jumped on the occasion and registered the three of us to the challenge.

To secure the spot I sent a payment via paypal and the Montréal Rhinodons were born!

The cool logo Anaid (Tacin's wife) did for us