Welcome to yet another edition of "What's in the Box?" (I promise I'll try to do a different sort of post soon, if only to break the monotony) the column where I take a hobby related item, and open it up (with pictures) for you to get a better look at what it's all about.
So digging into my stash of unopened stuff, I stumbled upon a little pile of something I picked up at Gencon last summer: a starter and a pair of character boxes for Wrath of Kings, by CMoN.
I got to try the game during the final round of its beta test, and I wasn't quite convinced (it still felt messy), but once that ended, I got to try it again some few months later, as a demoer, and I've been demoing it ever since (so, from the date of this post, pretty much for the past 4 years or so).
Short of it is, once I got to see the cleaned-up version in action, I found that I enjoyed its simplicity and streamlined mechanics - and after 4 years of demos, I figured it was time to pick it up, so I did. I picked up the rulebook for it, along with a starter for what felt to me like the most straightforward faction, along with all of the characters for it.
I'll start by pictures of the three boxes, with more details about the actual starter.
So the contents of the starter is a whopping 30 models, with two of them being large. This is basically 4 units of grunts with leaders, and two specialist units/models.
Character box 1 contains 3 leader character, while Character box 2 contains 3 specialist characters.
Upon being opened, all boxes are packed the same way, with all models being individually bagged:
That's a LOT of bags, and still feels pretty overwhelming. On the other hand, you KNOW things don't get damaged and can't go missing.
Under the layer of bagged models, is a baggie with the bases for everything:
So yeah - the bases have the approximate shape of the PP round-lipped ones, but their space is actually deeper, to the point where I wouldn't call these lipped, but recessed. They leave A LOT of space for basing and basing ideas, which is VERY cool.
And under that, a baggie with the cards for the box's contents:
Seriously, how the heck did we EVER play miniature wargames before Rackham came around? Getting all you need for your models on a card is so much easier!
And for the meaty part... The bagged models:
Alright folks - that's it for now, I'll look at specific models in the next few columns. Next up: the Longhorn and the Rathor from the starter... see you then!
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