Monday, 13 July 2015

Northkin Fire Eaters (90% complete) and the Next Project

Hello folks,

Here is one of my two squads of Northkin Fire Eaters, they are almost complete (need to finish up some details here and there, some highlights, the mug on one guys, some freehand, work on the fire a lot more), I would say they are at the 90% mark as I wouldn't be too ashamed to field them on the table in their current state.

Yay for paper towell

The guilty Mug!

I had a lot of fun working on the bottles despite not doing any crazy effects on them.

Freehand to be done on the bottle's sticker.

As of Today, a new Journeyman League has been posted for the FLGS I play at (Gamers' Vault), this league is a little special with tons of wonky rules and achievements!

I'm going to try and sneak Borka1 into it as I just got it last week and while I don't want to play one of the warlocks I'd play for Chaosludik in this league or one of the ones I own that are already painted it leaves me with Borka1 or buying a Janissa Stonetide and converting her into a Grissel1 using the parts from a Grissel2 I own. (I boycot the original Grissel1 model, it is unacceptable that Privateer has not done a resculpt...especially when it is one of the strongest warlock of a faction!)

Borka will have the added bonus of making me paint units for my Calandra Kriel-Fu list as well as tons of unpainted stuff I have.
Expect Fennblades and Warders, they are unpainted, they have reach, its enough to go with Borka!

Keggy, the attachment that could force me out of Borka for this league...Whatever, I'll play Borka anyways! That's what he'd want me to do! That, and smuggle beer in the store to drink when I play him.

Unpainted, reach, runs in my Kriel-Fu Calandra list for Chaosludik...its more than enough to justify a spot on Borka's battlegroup and get a snazzy paintjob this week!
My Journeyman Battlegroup will be:

Borka (+5)
NO KEGGY (I'll play him starting week 2 as the league forbids attachment/solos for custom battlegroup during week 1)
Bouncer -6
Earthborn Dire Troll -10
Total = 11

This Battlegroup brings extreme resiliency, very good speed on the feat turn and overall very decent armor cracking. It seems fun to play and because my Earthborns are already painted, it'll leave more time for Borka, Keggy and the Bouncer to receive the same treatment, then the Fennblades.

As soon as I've completed the Northkin Fire Eaters of course!! ;)

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