Android Netrunner doesn't escape this and here's a deck to play on the concept.
There are cards that when spoiled I go ''oh this is very nice, I could see myself play with that in the future'' (roughly 93% of Netrunner cards printed) and then there are cards like ''Blackguard''...
Blackguard is one of those cards (roughly 6% of Netrunner cards printed) where I go ''WOW! I NEED TO BUILD A DECK AROUND THIS!!''
I think ''Blackguard'', while being the second most expensive console in the game yet, is an extremely strong card and here is why:
-it entices you to play with a playstyle nobody expects until Honor and Profit (with the release of Silhouette...the criminal runner...and I'm pretty sure Blackguard is her console), aka exposing cards, giving you informations the corp wishes you didn't had.
-it rewards you for exposing cards by waging an economic war with the corps by forcing it to rez cards you expose.
Now the decklist I'm about to post has been entirely NOT played neither has it been tested: I've had very little time to play Netrunner in the last two months but I still wanted to share my ideas for a new type of deck, one that wages the classic economic warfare we've come to love since the Core Set and its infamous ''Account Syphon'' and adds a whole new bland of ''infowar'' to it, that, while it also was a thing you could do since the Core Set (ie:''Infiltration'' and ''Lemuria Codecracker'') was absolutely not used as deemed mostly a waste of resources while the cards for it would take some precious space in a runner deck.
Comes in ''Blackguard'' that transform those exposing cards into economic warfare cards and here 's my idea of the deck before Honor and Profit, the next big expansion, is released:
---Identity: Gabriel Santiago 'Consummate Professional'
Identity is Gabriel, chosen over Andromeda because I expect the deck to run frequently on HQ in order to trigger many cards so the 2 credits will help waging our economic warfare...Note that Andromeda being extremely good is an entirely viable option. So will Silhouette when she comes out.
-3x Sure Gamble
-3x Dirty Laundry
-2x Kati Jones
-3x Infiltration
-3x Account Syphon
-1x Prepaid Voicepad
Note on Credit-Makers:
Its really rare a deck doesn't need a strong economy...and this deck is no exception.
''Account Syphon'', while being more of an economic warfare card, does bring an exceptional amount of credits quite quickly...which should prove useful to try and get ''Blackguard'' out as soon as possible while keeping the corp low on credits.
''Infiltration'' can be cheap quick credits or used to force the corp to spend credits on a card it might not have wanted to with ''Blackguard''. Depending on how it goes, ''Infiltration'' might get replaced with ''Satellite Uplink''
''Prepaid Voicepad'', a card I wish I could put in two to reduce the amount of credits spent on events...and make ''Sure Gamble'' even better.
---Icebreakers:-3x Special Order
-1x Ninja
-2x Corroder
-1x Yog.0
-1x Zu.13 Key Master
-2x Femme Fatale
Note on Icebreakers:
This time more Icebreakers than in the Whizzard Deck because we don't have ''Rooks'' to avoid Ice from rezzing. On the contrary, with ''Blackguard'' Ice WILL rez, hopefully on the wrong spot/servers, spending some of those precious corporate credits to leave other more important servers vulnerable to runs.
I'm rusty so my choice of Icebreakers might not be the best or more appropriate.
-3x Blackguard
-2x Lemuria Codecracker
-3x Raymond Flint
-2x Snitch
Note on Infowar Cards:
Here is where the deck becomes a little more special...
''Blackguard'', the central pillar to the deck, I wish there was a way to fetch it out of the deck (ie: like ''Special Order'' but for Hardwares)
''Raymond Flint'' seems like an amazing card to punish those corps that don't care about how much bad publicity they get. He even get to ''access'' a card from HQ...if its an agenda its yours!!!
At worse, you can trash it with ''Blackguard'' to force the corp to spend credits on a card. Overall ''Raymond Flint'' feels like an amazing card in this deck.
''Snitch'', a card I wish I had 90% of the time I run blind now gets even better with ''Blackguard'' and is still good without the console!
''Lemuria Codecracker'', this card I need to test and see if it truly fits or if the ''Satellite Uplink'' would be better...The nice thing is that if everything goes well you will have three more clicks to dry out the corps' money.
---Other Event Cards:
-3x Inside Job
-3x Forged Activation Orders
-3x Emergency Shutdown
Note on Other Event Cards:
The usual Criminal tricks, ''Emergency Shutdown'' is now made even better in this deck, while ''Forged Activation Orders'' is still an amazing card and ''Inside Job'' punishes a corp that would try to bypass your ''Blackguard'' by playing only one ice on critical servers.
Extra Notes on the deck:
-It will probably make some Jinteki decks cry as Junebug and cie will drop in efficiency vs this deck.
-The deck seems quite exposed to decks running ''Scorched Earth'' and ''Punitive Counterstrike''...hopefully they don't have the money for their operations.
-This deck requires testing.
-Share your comments and thoughts on how to improve!
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