Monday, 24 February 2014

A Minions Ways to Lose: Ep 5 Family Reunion + Trollbloods

Week 3 of the Journeyman Warcaster League at Gamers' Vault and now the armies have reached 25pts.

This time I only played two games and didn't even manage to paint something up...Although I could have finished my Gatormen.

Well the reason these Gatormen weren't finished is in this picture. Yup, that's right: eGrissel.
I get really easily distracted and when I want to paint something, it is hard not to do it.

So I started painting my eGrissel for my Trollblood army, this decision was motivated by the fact I already owned all the Dire Trolls, a couple of Light Beasts and a full Kriel Warrior unit with eDoomshaper and pMadrak and that, one night, for the fun of it, I added all my Trollbloods with all my Minions to see how many points I had and came 38pts short of 150pts Unbound.

Now I know Unbound is PIP's ''Apocalypse'' mostly there to sell more minis and allow people who already bought to play, but I am quite curious to give a try despite my better judgement that Warmachine is at its best around 35-50pts.

Here are pics of my eGrissel

And here 's my Dire Troll Bomber:

As you can notice, contrary to my Minions, I've used a lot of Metallics on these trolls. Here 's why:
1- I discovered the holy painting trinity of: Base of ''Black Metal'' (Val71073) followed by a nice coat of ''Gungrey'' (Val71072) and then very small highlights of ''Chrome'' (Val71064).
And yes, I'm painting Airbrush paint with a paintbrush.
2- It saves me time and looks less cartoonish
3-I'm sick of painting ''Ironhull Grey'' (PIP) on all my models.

For those it might interest (most notably me if I try to paint new trolls and forget what I used):
-Skin: airbrush of ''French Blue'' (Val) then light coats on exposed parts with ''Hellblau'' (Val)
-Rocks: just a coat of ''Coal Black'' (PIP)
-Leather: ''Umbral Umber'' (PIP) and then lines of some clear brown (on eGrissel it was ''Idrian Flesh'' (PIP))
-Kegs: ''Umbral Umber'' (PIP) and then a drybrush of ''Khemri Brown'' (GW)


I did get two games for my Journeyman League despite my best attempt to flee.

-1st Game -vs José (Gators)

A mirror match, with the only difference between our two armies being '1 Croak Hunter + 1 Bull Snapper' vs '1 Feralgheist + 1 Swamp Gobbers Bellow Crew + 1 Thrulg'.
Our feat were automatically useless.

We rolled and got No Man's Land, which turned into an all out grindfest. He did surprise me by killing my Ironback Spitter heavy warbeast with only Gatormen...Man are these things strong!! (And though).
He then tried to kill my Wrastler with his, missed his deathroll attack, hit with two attacks and then proceeded to miss two more attacks. He charged with his Thrulg...and missed. He charged Barnabas in...and missed two more attacks, his last point of fury managed to deal the killing blow.

Despite my best attempt to avoid losing by scenario, the death of my Wrastler plus the extermination of my gatormen by his meant a nice scenario loss at the end of his turn. He wouldn't even had noticed had I not told him. :P (I'm too fairplay ;))

-2nd Game -vs Antoine "Bacon'' B. (Piggies)

An all minion gaming night! And the first time I play an opponent twice in this league.
The more points we get, the better it gets for a Gators vs Piggies match because the crocs infantry is much better than most of piggies...That and 'Warpath' gets easier to trigger.

So he rolled a two on his roll to see who would play first and start, I managed to roll a one. I didn't say it but the exact same thing happened in my previous match versus José.
Scenario was ''Little Flags'' (or something with three flags)

Not only was he going first but all his troops were advance deployment because of his contract...

I played too defensively  by not running my gators on my first turn and at the end of his turn two he scored 3 points.
I rushed my single War-ouaron (Croak Hunter) to try and contest one point to give me some breathing space but he managed to one-shot kill it with a little brigand benefiting from Lord Carver BBQsauce's feat, scoring another three points.

Then, the coolest thing happened, knowing I would automatically lose before I could play my 4th turn, I saw something I had to try.
I advanced Barnabas, popped my feat, knocking down two Brigand my Ironback Spitter was engaging, I upkept Warpath.
Activated my Ironback Spitter and...Trample Power Attacked the piggies toward Lord Carver. Killed one, moved my 3'' to get to Barnabas, landed one bite attack did nothing, landed a second one, did 4points of damage and my third one did one point.
I shook hands, assassination failed.

Really cool games, looking forward to this Thursday, also, I might play Trolls versus an old foe of mine of Sunday.

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