Thursday, 5 December 2013

Back to the Storm Sector

I was wasting time on Facebook when I saw a post by The D6 Generation, a picture of a 3-way Firestorm Armada with comments about the new changes in the rules and the 2.0 rules.
It was this picture: Looks awesome, click click!

My first reaction was: ''Holy Pony! There's Nukes in Firestorm Armada now??!! I've got to get back into it!''

So I looked around my room and found a Didrenzi Starter Fleet, one of these 1st generation ones that are a little warped, tons of cleaning required, etc...
It had been given or traded in by a friend of mine who decided he 'd probably never play the game...

Then my brain told me: ''Hey Guru, you have an airbrush, if you know what I mean.''

And that's when I discovered that, although made in the Vallejo Air range, ''Radome Tan'' is a real pain to use and clogged my evolution twice, even the Badger Patriot 105 was not very successful with it. It's as if the paint thinner wouldn't mix with it (despite me mixing both with my paintbrush)...

2 hours later for a job that should have only taken one or less, I had a basecoated Didrenzi fleet.

The following morning, I finished the fleet with paintbrushes, adding white and metallic where needed.

With the fleet out of work table, (okay this fleet is not spectacular, I just wanted it'll see my Aquan fleet one day and you'll understand why I'm not able to spend lots of time on spaceships anymore.), I could try to do something I wanted to do since this game came out...

Space terrain!! In 15mm 

Using insulation foam, pegasus bits from various kits, sandy paste from Vallejo to give some texture, a little plasticard and colored plastic from Necron sprues that a friend donated to me knowing I'd use it someday, I created:

A Mining Thing, somehow they are getting green crystals (or vespene gaz? ;)) from these asteroids.

A small Spaceport as well as what could be a secret base inside an asteroid.

Group shot, sorry for the poor picture done with bags....I have no space mat, yet.

And here with some of my ships to give an idea of scale.

Hopefully I'll catch a game against Llew sometime soon after my exams.

Thanks for reading, as always, comments and questions are welcomed!


  1. Hey, I'm also getting back into Firestorm Armada a bit. I used to play back when it came out, and the 2nd edition rules look great, a big step forward from 1st ed. Funnily enough, I also play Aquans! :)

    (The Unit Forward guy who also likes spaceships).

  2. Hey thanks for the comment!

    So you got to try 2.0??

    I'm quite excited, the changes I've read on D6 and Spartan Games seem very interesting.

    Are Aquans any good in this 2nd edition? I remember they could lay down mines in the 1st one so they were tricky to play. Their cruisers were terrible also if I remember correctly. (Did they fix that too?) :)

  3. My 2.0 rulebook only shipped today, so I haven't tried the new rules yet, but I'm pushing for a game next week. Might need to repaint some ships, though!

  4. Hoping to get mine soon (hopefully in an order I'm receiving today at the game store I work for...One can dream! ;))
    In the meantime I got myself that:

    It'll allow me to do better pictures I hope! :)
