Sunday, 27 January 2013

Dust Hades Campaign: Game 2

After the retreat from Central Hospital, Major Wilhelm was once again summoned by the Axis High Command in Zverograd.
His 203 Panzerabteilung had shown that the SSU's air superiority would be disruptive enough for Axis operations.

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Dust Warfare Hades Campaign - Round 2

Annihilation! The one word to describe the game I played yesterday against fellow campaigner Richer Sauvé's SSU all out assault.

Thursday, 17 January 2013

A Guide to Kickstarting Games

1.What is Kickstarter?

This is Kickstarter.

Kickstarter is an online platform that allows you to pledge money for products and projects that needs the fund for various reasons.
Usually there is pledge levels offering you  some products when the project is completed or some kind of return on investment.

2.What do you benefit from kickstarting a game?

Thursday, 10 January 2013

Dust Hades Campaign: Game 1

Schnell 203! Ze enemy is weakened!!

The super-nice facebook group (Dust Tactics Quebec) and myself decided to play the Dust Warfare Campaign from the latest book Hades.