Thursday, 10 May 2012

Nuclear Launch Detected (Part 4)

The Curse:
-I've been trying to post the last two members of my Keizai Waza NLD Merc team on this blog for ever...
-At first I took pictures.
-Then forgot my camera at the store.
-Forgot said camera the many time I came back to get it.
-Then got it but was in the middle of exams so I didn't had time to post.
-Realized the pictures I took of the last team members were quite blurry.
-Went back to take more pictures of them.
-To realize my 7+ years old camera is dying...It can't focus properly anymore. (That and I'm a terrible photograph)

Nonetheless I uploaded the pictures as else I'll have nothing to show.

Here's the Heavy-Hybrid: a though armor that will see it survive many games combined with a heavy weapon to deny critical zones of the battlefield. (note: I'm pretty sure people aren't used to Armor 3 on Keizai Waza) 

 And last but not least: The Demo. His acid grenades reduce enemy armor permanently by 1...Quite useful to deal with your opponent's armor 3.

Group Shot

The NLD ''Asset Denial Division'' of Keizai Waza with its five members in battle armors.
(Its not blurry because I'm a terrible photograph and my camera is dying, it's blurry because they're running, that's why!)

Now I only need to buy and paint the Keizai Waza sniper and I'll have the full 6. There's really something that makes you proud to own everything of an army fully painted....And with Mercs it's never been so easy!
At the same time, you know inside yourself you just can't wait for more releases for Keizai Waza, be it because you're curious or because there 's so much potential.

Comments and critics welcomed as always, I apologize if the bad pictures burned your eyes: I'll try and amass money to buy a new camera!


Is this the end of the Nuclear Launch Detected adventure? Not at all! Expect fluffy battle reports and new members (as Mercs releases them).