Friday, 9 August 2019

Infernals: Agathon


I just need to buy some cracked-earth effect to do a ''dead''base like warcraft3's Undeads.

Saturday, 22 June 2019

PulpCity: the Silver Menace vs the Geeks of the North

Lo and behold: the mediocre adventures of Supreme Grimm. Vol1, collector edition with alternate cover.

-Supreme Grimm vs the Communist Threat-

Citizen 1:"Did someone kick a deflated soccerball?"
Citizen 2: "Is it some kind of garbage bag caught in the wind?"
 No, its Supreme Grimm!!!

"Its over Siberian Tiger, I have the high ground."
The grimm the city doesn't deserve and doesn't need.

Tuesday, 5 March 2019

Rhinodons at the 2019 OTC (Ontario Team Championship)

I love warmachine team tournaments: you discuss strategies with teammates, plan pairings, try to get the best tables for your team and after the action you can discuss the heroic actions or tragic losses that impacted the overall team effort.
While they are fairly rare, I'm lucky that I can count on the Ontario Team Championship to bring all the joys of a nice big team tournament fairly close to home (6 hours drive).

This year, the event filled up before 'non-sponsored, non-premium' registrations even went live, to the point there were extra spots and an additional room rented for a whooping 38 teams. That's 190 warmachine players for you!

Major thing that affected the event: Circle and Skorne both got CIDs (updates to some of their models) and as a result were more popular, thus warping the meta and changing list building.

Now on a more Trollbloods-related discussion...